Percentage complete
In Draft 25%
Pre-pub draft Available
To read in the Library

George's White Board Rantings.

And otherThingsUnseen that are better forgotten
Except.... 'we will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it'.....

Coming Up!

Three Cheers for Albert !

And Other Absurdities!

In Development Draft

This novel will likely be much longer than other efforts seen here. I found mind mapping this outline has and continues to be quite a challenge.

Specifically, my lack of desire to go off on a laborious and multi-tiered deliverance of the re-telling of what will probably serve as the anchor volume of the Up-Coming Perseverance Road Series. 

Albert was a very ‘Special’ person. Just ask him!

And therefore prompts me to at least carve out a brief tale of some of his remarkable exploitations…..errr  oops! I mean exploits.

High Park Toronto Ontario

Oh Canada!

Canada Day 2018

This day will be remembered as perhaps one of the most ridiculous 

 day of vicissitude of emotion I have ever experienced.

A Very bad day